TIME MACHINE Typed in by RYGAR of SCIENCE 451. Edited by PARASITE. Professor Potts is a recluse scientist who has a pet obsession - travelling through time and space. Our hero, Potts is working on his timemachine when suddenly he is the victim of a terrorist attack. Unfortunately an explosive device hits the time-machine and also the vital accelerator crystal(a rare carbon that is only formed at extreme heat and pressure) becomes destroyed, throwing Potts into a time warp. The future has happened, leaving him trapped in prehistoric times... GAMEPLAY You take the part of Potts, and must manipulate history from prehistoric times to the present day. To return to your own time zone you must first create your own future by interfering with evolution. In order to survive you must also protect the environment and man's forebears. Your final goal is to stop the terrorist attack and rescue the time-machine, now 10 million years in the future. CREATION AND MAINTENANCE OF TIME ZONES You must perform certain tasks in each zone to initiate the creation of the next time zone, E.G. like cooling and warming of the planet, finding oil and stone wheel... Previous zones will continue to evolve on their own and be changed by their inhabitants. This may, in turn, alter events in subsequent zones. You must therefore maintain the course of the evolution of earlier zones E.G. protect your forebears and keep them warm or you too will become extinct! EVOLUTION Events in a zone will evolve in other subsequent zones E.G. a seed planted in one zone may grow into a tree in a later zone, which may itself be used in a even later zone. You must help the evolution! TRAVELLING IN TIME AND SPACE You are able to travel back and forth in time between existing time zones. You are also able to travel both in time and space using your very limited number of reusable travel pods. You should place these pods at strategic points, so that you can teleport yourself and any moveable object in your vicinity, to them as when required. WEAPONS The only weapon available to you is a limited burst of electrical charge from your controller device. Use this device to stun creatures and dislodge objects. If you overuse your device then you have to wait for it to make a recharge. THE LOOK WINDOW As you move around, any objects that you can manipulate will appear in the display window. Some of these objects can be picked up, carried and/or be transported. JOYSTICK CONTROLS Without firebutton you can walk all eight directions. With firebutton pressed you can pick up things by pulling down. All other directions will perform a jump. Firebutton alone will fire electric beam or drop object (if carried.) KEYBOARD CONTROLS F1 - Pick up/drop beam to travel pad 1 F2 - Pick up/drop beam to travel pad 2 F3 - Pick up/drop beam to travel pad 3 F4 - Pick up/drop beam to travel pad 4 1-5 Beam to time zone 1-5 if active ESC Pause game Q Quit game (while in pause mode)